how to lose 5 pounds

Healing Your Relationship Food


I remember so clearly laying in bed at night feeling low and come up with grand plans about how I was going to "get skinny." 😆

Diet pills....Low carb....Grapefruit....Cabbage soup....I counted points, calories, portions....Over exercised....Drank my calories....Saved up and then binged… 😣

It was the consistent struggle between “getting back on track” or just saying eff it and drinking wine and binge eating SnackWells cookies for dinner, even though I just had restocked my fridge with loads of fresh produce.  🥦

I was always looking for the next big thing that was going to give me the body I really wanted, but was really stuck on the start-again-stop-again train.  And I wondered why I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning, struggled with irritable bowels and why I couldn’t “just get skinny”😆


Then, in my early 30s, about a year and a half after my son was born, I was the thinnest I have ever been -- and also the real beginning of what I now recognize was a completely warped body image. I loved my body -- but I didn’t fully enjoy my life--  I was too busy obsessing about food, did 3 day starvation cleanses regularly to "reboot" or "get back on track" and was super judgmental every time I ate "too many" carbs, "too much" fat, or enjoyed an ice cream cone with my family. 🤣


These years of chronically dieting ultimately triggered a hormone imbalance, that caused an ugly string of symptoms to rear their heads..

🤷🏻‍♀️Missing and irregular cycles


😭Crazy moods

👄Chronic mouth sores

🤚🏼 Dryness and loss of skin pigmentation

💁🏻‍♀️ Brittle hair & nails

🤯 Constant state of brain fog.

I began seeing doctor, after doctor, after doctor, and chased my own tail with no answers until I couldn’t take it anymore. Something needed to change...

Fast forward 3 years and I have a healthy relationship with food, a healthy relationship with my body, and I've RECLAIMED MY LIFE!


🚫 No more diets.

🚫 No more judgement.

🚫 No more irregular cycles.

🚫 No more crazy moods.

🚫 No more constipation.

🚫 No more brain fog.

And the list goes on!


After years of navigating my own journey, studying nutrition, habit change, and becoming a Holistic Health & Lifestyle Coach, I have created a FREE 30 minute workshop to help you take the first step toward feeling like an empowered and healthy woman again.  💃🏻

Are you ready to heal your relationship with food, your body, and reclaim your life?

See you there


New Take On The New Year Resolution

Ya know how we all tend to think that January 1st is a powerful day? A day for new beginnings, for starting over, for finally going after your next-level dreams--the body...the health...the relationships that you want (and deserve!).

No one thinks, "August 10th is a great day to start a new chapter in my life!" But why not?

What would happen if you gave today all the power of January 1st?

I spent my entire adult life yo-yo dieting, Googling "How to Lose 5 Pounds," and obsessing about what I did or did't eat.

I did a lot of "starting on Monday," "starting over again tomorrows" and felt like my every moment was consumed with thoughts of what I did or didn't eat.

Through it all, I've been a size 2, and a size 10, and you know what I have FINALLY figured out?!

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When you're not feeling deprived, you don't need to start again and stop again. When you've learned how to tune with how your body FEELS when you eat certain foods, you begin to consistently make choices that make you feel good. Because, um, who wants to feel like 💩--in body and mind-- all the time? (I sure settled for that--for a long time)

It doesn’t matter how old you are, what your experience is, how healthy you are in this moment, or what your current pant size is. TODAY is the day where you draw the line in the sand and CHOOSE to ban dieting forever, and be FREE so you can be present for the important people in your life, honor your body, and feel confident in the skin you're in.

I talked to so many incredible women last week, who drew their line in the sand. I am beyond thrilled to lock arms with them and guide them as they learn to eat in a way that is unique to them, WITHOUT quick fixes, pills, starvation cleanses, negative self talk or bullshit..

I've opened up a few more slots open in my calendar this week, and I invite you to book one. There is no better time than right NOW! <3

❤ 👇🏼