how to gain control over food

Healing Your Relationship Food


I remember so clearly laying in bed at night feeling low and come up with grand plans about how I was going to "get skinny." 😆

Diet pills....Low carb....Grapefruit....Cabbage soup....I counted points, calories, portions....Over exercised....Drank my calories....Saved up and then binged… 😣

It was the consistent struggle between “getting back on track” or just saying eff it and drinking wine and binge eating SnackWells cookies for dinner, even though I just had restocked my fridge with loads of fresh produce.  🥦

I was always looking for the next big thing that was going to give me the body I really wanted, but was really stuck on the start-again-stop-again train.  And I wondered why I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning, struggled with irritable bowels and why I couldn’t “just get skinny”😆


Then, in my early 30s, about a year and a half after my son was born, I was the thinnest I have ever been -- and also the real beginning of what I now recognize was a completely warped body image. I loved my body -- but I didn’t fully enjoy my life--  I was too busy obsessing about food, did 3 day starvation cleanses regularly to "reboot" or "get back on track" and was super judgmental every time I ate "too many" carbs, "too much" fat, or enjoyed an ice cream cone with my family. 🤣


These years of chronically dieting ultimately triggered a hormone imbalance, that caused an ugly string of symptoms to rear their heads..

🤷🏻‍♀️Missing and irregular cycles


😭Crazy moods

👄Chronic mouth sores

🤚🏼 Dryness and loss of skin pigmentation

💁🏻‍♀️ Brittle hair & nails

🤯 Constant state of brain fog.

I began seeing doctor, after doctor, after doctor, and chased my own tail with no answers until I couldn’t take it anymore. Something needed to change...

Fast forward 3 years and I have a healthy relationship with food, a healthy relationship with my body, and I've RECLAIMED MY LIFE!


🚫 No more diets.

🚫 No more judgement.

🚫 No more irregular cycles.

🚫 No more crazy moods.

🚫 No more constipation.

🚫 No more brain fog.

And the list goes on!


After years of navigating my own journey, studying nutrition, habit change, and becoming a Holistic Health & Lifestyle Coach, I have created a FREE 30 minute workshop to help you take the first step toward feeling like an empowered and healthy woman again.  💃🏻

Are you ready to heal your relationship with food, your body, and reclaim your life?

See you there


Free 30 Minute Workshop: Find Food Freedom!

As I savored every bite of breakfast this morning, I couldn’t help but think about how grateful I am to have figured all of this diet crap out. 🙌🏻


For the longest time, I didn’t eat breakfast. I figured, well, one less meal means that many fewer calories. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Then that period of time where I banned carbs. I don’t even want to talk about it. I think I had PTSD for a long time afterward. 🤬

Then there was that period of time I had a meal replacement shake daily for breakfast. Great on occasion, but MAN was I hangry and already eating a second breakfast 2 hours later. 👿

All of this confusion and trauma, coupled with my journey to naturally balancing my hormones + irritable bowel, inspired studies in what the 5% of people who are succeeding are doing right. 💁🏻‍♀️

{Yup you read that right. 95% of our attempts to get the body and health that we want are failing, which is why we’re constantly searching for a new solution}

Anyway, I’m dying to get what I’ve learned out to the masses. 🤩

So, I've outlined the exact steps that I’ve applied in my own life to obtain food freedom, heal my body from hormone imbalance and irritable bowels...and my clients apply to theirs in this 30 minute workshop! 

So excited to bring this to you! We're starting soon, see you there!!  

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Breaking Free from the Diet Mentality

Heeeeyyyyyy! 🏼

How was your weekend?!? I have an amazing recipe to share with you, but wanted to share a quick story with you first..

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You know how we get those memory reminders from different apps? These photos both popped up pretty recently and it had me majorly reflecting on how far I have come.

The photo on the left was taken in twenties, when I began dieting. I tried everything--

Diet pills....Low carb....Grapefruit....Cabbage soup....Point counting....Calorie counting....Portion counting....Over exercising....Drinking my calories....Saving up and then binging...

It was the consistent struggle between “getting back on track” or just saying eff it and drinking wine and binge eat SnackWells cookies for dinner, even though I just had restocked my fridge with loads of fresh produce. 

I was always looking for the next big thing that was going to give me the body I really wanted, but was really stuck on the,start-again-stop-again train. 

This middle photo is the thinnest I have ever been (important to note this was POST BABY) -- and also the real beginning of what I now recognize was a completely warped body image. I loved my body here -- but I didn't enjoy my life. I was completely obsessed with food, did 3 day starvation cleanses regularly to "reboot" or "get back on track" and was super judgmental every time I ate "too many" carbs, "too much" fat, or enjoyed an ice cream cone with my family. 

My pant size was never small enough, I was never happy with the scale, and was constantly checking my reflection to make sure my clothes weren’t pinching to “make me look bigger than you already are”. 🤣

The photo on the right? This is true food freedom. 

This is BREAKING FREE from dieting and FINALLY, for the first time in my adult life, feeling comfortable and confident in my skin. This is honoring my body. 

Here's the deal: Americans spend north of $60 billion annually to try to get the body they want, on everything from paying for gym memberships and joining weight-loss programs to drinking diet soda. 🥤

And get this--95% of those people FAIL and find themselves looking for the next fix or solution. 

This approach is FAILING US. We’re running in a hamster wheel! I was running in that wheel with that 95% for a lonnggggg time. 

I mean seriously, in what other industry do we trust a 5% success rate?!

I don't know about you, but I'm not buying a car from someone who has all but 5% of their cars returned. 

So how did I achieve this food freedom? I studied the 5% of people who are not only achieving their health goals, but maintaining them for LIFE. 

I've helped countless other women to do this...WITHOUT quick fixes, pills, starvation cleanses, negative self talk or bullshit..

Here’s what they’re saying:

“This change feels really nice and is so easy. I have so much more energy and am down more pounds this week. This stuff is amazing!!" -V.M.

“I’ve always been hesitant to do anything for myself, let alone open up and look at things I could change/fix. I thought this was going to be so hard, but I'm down over 10 pounds, am trying new foods and have more patience with my kids!" -M.C.

"I finally feel in control. I am acutely aware of the decisions that I make with regard to my nutrition and my body --no longer do my choices send me into the cycle of guilt that eventually results in giving up on myself." -S.T.

You can do this, too. 

If you’re like, “ummmmm she’s talking about me,” say HELL YES to yourself!

We're leaving for vacation this week, but I've opened up a couple of slots in my schedule for complimentary sessions before we head out. 


PS. This isn't for everyone - I am looking for go-getters with an unstoppable commitment to break free from the diet mentality and put themselves back in the driver's seat. Women who are willing to do something different to get something different while simultaneously creating a lifestyle that affords them to be PRESENT and ENGAGED in their life, with the people they love.

️Oh! And you NEED to try this recipe for chocolate chia pudding. It DOES NOT disappoint. 

Talk soon,

xo, sarah

How to Find Balance and Gain Control Over Food

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I've loved my body through deprivation, and hated it through indulgence.  (anyone else ever binge eat cookies the week of Christmas and then deprive yourself the first week of January?) 

This was one of the many...I’ve done them all!

Binging then starving.

Saving up and then binging 🍕🌯🍦

Diet pills.

Meal replacements.

Low carb.


Cabbage soup.

Point counting.

Calorie counting.

Portion counting.

Over exercising.

Drinking my calories 🍺.

As someone very involved in the group ex and fitness sector for the last 10+ years, I was someone who admittedly taught and practiced the diet approach for many years. It came down to calories in + calories out.

But here’s the thing.  If it worked, everyone would be in here ideal pant size, beaming with energy, feeling confident in their skin, and we would all be freed from this obsession regarding “what to eat and what not to eat.”

Here’s what I’ve learned: it’s MORE than just diet and exercise.

There is MORE.


YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE than a freaking calorie expenditure!


And when you’re tapped into what that how that FEELS, you begin to make choices that HONOR the true miracle that you are. ❤️

You are the only you that will ever be born—and you only get one shot at this. 

Want to live your life obsessing about what you did or didn't eat, hating your body, skipping the pool and dodging the camera ? 

Or, free to enjoy ice cream with your kids, to eat and drink at the BBQ,  to enjoy a date night followed by dessert--WITHOUT JUDGEMENT OR GUILT!?


 You have the power to release judgement and shift to PROGRESS vs streamlined perfection. 👊🏼


Allow yourself be okay with not doing it alone!!  (As someone who likes to figure out everything on my own, TRUST ME, I know how hard this is).

If you’re sick of obsessing, like you've tried everything...if what's always worked is no longer working or you know that deep down if you don’t get a handle on this you’re going to miss out on the next great thing in your LIFE...


I’m opening up my schedule next week for complimentary sessions!!  

These are on a first come, first serve basis, and will fill up fast!  #bettertogether