vegetarian freezer meals

Freezer Stash Meals + Free Downloads!

Soaking up the days (weeks?!) with this stud before baby comes. Also sneaking in one last date night with Chris tonight! 😍


We’re in that weird place where baby could come tomorrow 😳 or in like 3 weeks 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Let the waiting game begin! 👶🏼

​Our freezer is stocked —The response around creating a resource that included my freezer stash plan, with recipes and a grocery list was an overwhelming YES! 🙌🏻

These recipes are simple, packed with flavor and nutrients, and are going to simplify our lives as we welcome the new babe. I know they will simplify your world, too!! I’m excited to share them with you. 🥳 Check them out here.

We’ve also updated the site with tons of amazing resources, free downloads, one week meal plans and other goodies. Some only offered for a limited time! Head over and see what inspires you 😍

I would love to know…what did you do in the days/weeks leading up to baby?

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Freezer Stash Meals

We stopped at target 🎯 before this grocery run and Ziggy asked “why are we buying so many things?”

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“Because I’m nesting” 😂🐣

The struggle is so real 🤣🤣

Doing some major batch cooking over the next week or two!! Stockpiling the freezer to make eating as well as possible EASY those first few weeks of healing & transitioning to a family of 4. (👪+👶🏼 omgeeee!)

The response around creating a resource that included my freezer stash plan, with recipes & a grocery list for each was an overwhelming YES! So, here it is!

Questions? Reach out to me directly!!

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