raising babies

Balancing Life & Self Care + Spiced Milk Recipe


I spoke with a friend recently who was like "Sarah, I don't know how you do it all!"

I told her something, and I want to share with you too. 

I shower an average of 5 days a week. I raise my voice. My small kitchen is always trashed. I drop f bombs. {Sometimes in front my 5 year old.} Ive learned to complete most things in shifts. I eat chocolate. We're always late. When I can, I stay in my PJs all day and cook. I shop the sales rack at discount stores. I give Ziggy lollipops and let him watch cartoons. Until about 6 months ago, I drove a car that had a tape deck. Yes, a tape deck. 

I am no different than anyone. I am just a thirty something first time mom. Like many of you, I am trying to navigate this season of my life… figuring out how to balance a career, raise a toddler, grow a baby, prioritize self care, keep my marriage and friendships alive.

It's easy to get caught up in the highlight reel. But let’s be real; nobody really has their shit fully together. Some days it’s not easy to release living up to the standard of perfection that is portrayed in the media. To look at what everyone else is “doing” and not feel adequate enough. But I need to tell you something.




Allow yourself to feel the way that you need to feel, even if that means not being okay some days. Allow yourself to be supported. Allow yourself to hang up your superwoman cape. To do what makes you feel good, continue to live in a way that makes you feel good and inspires you--let the rest go.

And above all, remember that you're doing a really great job. ❤️


Speaking of self care, you have to try this simple recipe for spiced milk. It warms the soul, satisfies a sweet tooth and has anti-inflammatory powers:

dairy free, gluten free, vegan

dairy free, gluten free, vegan

What You'll Need:

1 1/2 c unsweetened almond or coconut milk.

1/4 tsp ground ginger

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/4 tsp turmeric

 1/8 tsp pure stevia

Heat milk, whisk in spices. Sip to your hearts delight!

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P.S. ~ Here's what our members are cooking up this week! If you want in, sign up here by this Wednesday (March 13th):

--Girl Scout Cookies for breakfast (yes, for real) 🍪

--A sweet and spicy lentil salad 🍏

--A heart warming soup, so fresh and so green green 🍲

--Healthy Alfredo! 🍜

--And a veggie loaded spin on rice and beans 🍚

**This week only!  Use Use discount code 👉🏼 Babyiscoming  for 30% off your first month🧚🏼‍♀️

So awesome right?!

Hey, don’t be a stranger! Leave a comment, or contact me directly any time here.

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