how to grocery shop

Nourished Life

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Aghhhhh I am so excited to introduce you to my flagship program: Nourished Life! 

Enrollment is limited to 6 women, who want to:

→  Break free from GUILT around food without giving up pizza ... or bread ... or wine...   so they can feel happy and proud of themselves every day


→  Lean in and listen to what their body is telling them it needs right now, in THIS season of their life so they can eat and LIVE without always obsessing!


→ Want to clear the mental clutter and BS stories they have been telling themselves for years so they can finally create space for things that are more important than their pant size.

Let me guess… This is you?

Alright, good..

After helping hundreds of women I now know what they need most is...

To put THEMSELVES back on their to-do list, allow themselves to be SUPPORTED, and to have the tools to tap back into their INTUITION.  

If you…

•Fear your body is changing for the worse

•Constantly compare your body to others, and always reflect back to when you were in a size {whatever}

•Are holding off on buying new clothes because you are waiting to fit back in to your smaller ones….and your currently living in leggings

•Want to truly end this lifelong roller coaster ride and love your body NOW, in this season of your life

Well... this 10 week program might just be a fit for you.

Nourished Life isn't about quick fixes.  It’s about giving you lasting results that work with your life (all the busy-ness, all the pizza, all the vacations and holidays).

I've actually created a system designed to lean in and listen to what your body is telling you it needs right now, in THIS season of your life without any guilt.

You get 1:1 and group support.

And instead of giving you loads and loads of information at once, it will be layered in, to keep you out of overwhelm, and into action.  

This is about learning to tap into your YOUR INTUITION...
Which is why we're only enrolling 6 women who are eager to drop the starvation cleanses, negative self talk and BS.  

This month’s enrollment is nearly filled and next month is already half full...

If you think you're a fit...

Don’t delay, schedule your complimentary call now  >>>

I'm excited for us to have our first kick-off call. Get ready to feel more than good enough, FEEL COMPLETE JOY and be PRESENT in your life again!

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Part 4: Grocery Shopping Simplified


Effective Grocery Shopping

You are well on your way to being super organized and saving some serious cash on your next grocery trip!  Today, we’ll talk ways to making this trip quick, and kind to the wallet.  


  1. Set up your shopping list the way that your grocery is set up.  Envision the space, and start your list where you will enter.  The majority of the time, this is the produce section. So, first on the list; produce.  Last on my list is typically dairy, as that is what is at the opposite end of the store.  And everything else falls between!

  2. STICK TO THE LIST.  I mean it.  Don’t be tempted by sales, or talk yourself into buying something that “just looks so good.”  If you effectively planned for this trip (which you did), you already know what’s on sale, and probably have it on your list anyway.          

  3. If you have kids, be prepared with snacks.  LOTS of snacks.  It’s hard to buzz around a store with a cranky child.  A whole apple is always a good choice for us--provides 15-20 minutes of solid, sticky entertainment.  

  4. Consider a smaller store.  The bigger the store, the more choices, and let’s face it, the more madness.  Choose a smaller grocery in your area to make your time spent there most effective.  

  5. Opt for fresh foods.  Doing this forces you to remain on the PERIMETER of the store.  While there are certainly exceptions, most of what is found in the aisles is overly processed, overpriced and not-so-good for you anyway.  Avoiding the aisles as much as possible leads to a quick and effective shopping trip!

  6. Stay away from the self checkout line.  You don’t know the PLUs, you will probably scan something incorrectly, and I guarantee you something will go wrong that that damn scale.  Then, you will need to wait 3 minutes for someone to come over and scan their card to turn off your blinking red light.  Meanwhile, the person who entered the “long” line next to you is already on their way out.  Let the cashier do the work for you.  Bonus?  They will more than likely do the bagging for you, to.

What are your tips for survival? 

Looking for parts 1-3 of the meal planning series?  Get in touch!  Contact me directly HERE.  

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Meal Planning 101: Part 2


Now that you are IN TUNE with your kitchen, here comes the fun part--planning what you are going to EAT!  If you love food as much as I do, this part is actually a lot of fun.  I get super psyched when I find new recipes for our family to try.  So, where do you begin?


ONE:  Always begin your weekly shopping list with your staples that need replenished.  This will likely also include things like milk, yogurt, bread, eggs...and whatever else you always have on hand.  (Refer to the list you made yesterday of your kitchen staples, too!)  

Then, use what you have** to inspire next week’s meals.  It’s important to start in the fridge, since this is what is most perishable. Leftover broccoli? A half block of cheddar?  Leftover quinoa?

Then, move to the freezer.   Frozen pizza dough?  A bag of spinach?  

And finally, the pantry.  Cans of black beans?  Tons of pasta?  

You are going to use THESE INGREDIENTS as the baseline for next week’s meal plan.  We are all well equipped to do this with the internet, so no excuses here.  We GTS (Google That Shit) or we use the index of our favorite cookbooks.  

Let’s go back to the example above.  I am looking up the keywords broccoli, cheddar, quinoa, pizza dough, spinach, black beans and/or pasta.  The recipes linked below are recipes that were inspired by doing just this.    Let’s see what what we can come up with….

**Have nothing to start with?  Use your grocer’s sales flier as your starting point!

Search one:  Spinach recipes.  Found braised coconut spinach with chickpeas and lemon (UM YUM) So, I look at the needed ingredients, add sun dried tomatoes to my list.  I think I will serve this over rice, but have that on hand, too!  

Search two:  Quinoa recipes.  There is an amazing recipe for Quinoa and Potatoes in my favorite cookbook, How to Cook Everything Vegetarian, by Mark Bittman.  I'm in this one for the win.    

Search three:  Broccoli recipes.  Found Broccoli and Sun-dried Tomato PastaPerfect!  This recipe hits most of ingredients on the head, so the ONLY thing I need to add to my shopping list is goat cheese.  


Search four:  Black bean recipes.  I make an awesome 4 bean salad that Ziggy loves.  That’s going on the menu this week.  I’ll add a bell pepper and purple onion to my list.  I have everything else on hand.  

And, you continue on searching, creating your menu, adding to your shopping list, and adding ONLY the ingredients you need to make these dishes.  Doing this will save you *money* *time* and will *minimize waste.* Bonus?  It adds to an ever growing list of new amazing dishes you can go back to!!  

And sometimes, you just need to let your toddler be a human tornado, eat chocolate granola bars for dinner, and then watch cartoons wearing nothing but a yoga mat. 

And sometimes, you just need to let your toddler be a human tornado, eat chocolate granola bars for dinner, and then watch cartoons wearing nothing but a yoga mat. 

Now before you call me crazy, know that we do not go all out on the cooking front every night.  I always look at our calendar and make sure to plan not-so-crazy meals on nights we are going to be home late or have a lot going on.  I find that there is almost one weekend night each week that we are attending a cookout, meeting with friends or family, or are going to be out and about, so there is one less meal to plan for. Breakfast is a go-to dinner option for us during the week.  So are tortilla pizzas with a side veggie or these rice bowls.

I often make a grain salad or big pot of soup on Sundays for lunches and/or dinner options.  We also do nights every so often we call “fend,” where Chris and I “fend” for ourselves and Ziggy eats lmac and cheese or frozen spinach nuggets.  

What we can't do:  create 26 hours in a day.

What we can do: Take time to MAXIMIZE what you already have at home, and taking 30-60 minutes each week to plan and create a shopping list, you will make the best out of the time and money you have when you are in the midst of the madness.  

I promise!

Need support?  Not sure where to get started?  Our next group program kicks off MONDAY!  Comment below, or send me a quick message HERE for everything you need to get started! 


In good health,

xo sarah