how to lose 5 pounds

Figuring Out All the Diet Advice

As I savored every bite of breakfast this morning, I couldn’t help but think about how grateful I am to have figured all of this diet crap out. 🙌🏻


For the longest time, I didn’t eat breakfast. I figured, well, one less meal means that many fewer calories. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Then that period of time where I banned carbs. I don’t even want to talk about it. I think I had PTSD for a long time afterward. 🤬

Then there was that period of time I had a meal replacement shake daily for breakfast. Great on occasion, but MAN was I hangry and already eating a second breakfast 2 hours later. 👿

All of this confusion and trauma, coupled with my journey to naturally balancing my hormones + irritable bowels, inspired studies in what the 5% of people who are succeeding are doing right. 💁🏻‍♀️

{Yup you read that right. 95% of our attempts to get the body and health that we want are failing, which is why we’re constantly searching for a new solution}

Anyway, I’m dying to get what I’ve learned out there 🤩

If I created a free online workshop, where I outlined the exact steps that I’ve applied in my own life, and my clients apply to theirs.. would you be interested in attending?