Health Coach

How to Find the Right Foods for YOUR Body

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Women are often searching for the right way to get the body, the health, and the ideal weight they’ve always dreamed of. The problem is, rather than figuring out what is right for THEIR unique body, they do what’s working for their best friend, neighbor, or colleague...they measure portions, count calories and points just hoping for their long term solution.

They often feel deprived, hopeless, and are tired of spending so much time obsessing about what they did or didn't eat.

The reason this feels so stressful is because they’ve focused on what works for everyone but THEMSELVES.

There's a better way….

(And can I be honest with you? The answer to the long term solution has very little to do with weight loss.) Even if you’ve tried everything. I mean everything.

In fact, you can skip all of the complicated & time consuming strategy for now and go straight to loving your body NOW, while you continue to transform habits that will change your life (and your pant size… if that’s what you want!)

This is a hot topic... it's something I've seen play out in my own life, and countless of the women I work with.  

So, I put together this FREE presentation that reveals the essential 5 step process I used to go from being completely consumed with my weight, and pant size, to walking into a store and buying clothes that feel good on my NOW body, regardless of the number on tag.

>> Eat and LIVE without obsessing! Know what your unique body actually needs

>> Break free from GUILT around food (without giving up all the good stuff)

>> Clear the BS stories you tell yourself once and for all

>> Use the simple mindset shifts I teach in this 30 minute presentation to quit worrying! Quit comparing! And quit feeling like you are never good enough!

...WITHOUT quick fixes, pills, starvation cleanses, negative self talk or bullshit.. ✌🏼

I share with you my entire approach - my mindset, my approach to eating, how to be freed from food and diets... every detail....

Tune in and watch me take away your frustration! :-) Tag a friend to come along too!!

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